Warbirds and Classics Over the Midwest


List of Pre-registered Pilots

Pre-Register for 2025

Event Flyer

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Field Address:
N4841 Hickory Rd
Fond Du Lac, WI 54937

Latitude: 43° 43 Min. 1 Sec.
Longitude: -88° 28 Min. 19 Sec.

Hwy 41 From the North:

  1. Take Hwy 41 Exit #97, Hickory Road, and turn Right (South 151)
  2. After 2.4 miles, turn Left into the main entrance at Wellnitz Field

Hwy 41 From the South:

  1. Take Hwy 41 Exit #92, County Road B, and turn Left (West)
  2. After 1/2 mile, turn Right (North) on to Hwy 175
  3. After 1.5 miles, turn Left (West) on Lost Arrow Rd
  4. After 1.0 miles, turn Right (North) on Hickory Road
  5. After 0.4 miles, turn Right into the main entrance at Wellnitz Field
Hwy 151 From the South:
  1. Take Hwy 151 to Exit #161, Hickory Road, and turn Right (South)
  2. After 1.4 miles, turn Left into the main entrance at Wellnitz Field

This event is sanctioned by the Academy of Model Aeronautics (AMA) and adheres to the AMA's safety guidelines. Every effort is being taken to ensure your safety. Please pay close attention to any and all safety announcements during your visit with us. Certain areas, for your safety, are restricted to pilots only. Please do not enter these areas, and at all times follow the directions of event personnel. It is imperative that you remain vigilant to the activities around you. In the event of an aircraft incident or other emergency we will issue an appropriate warning, as time allows, so that you may be aware of the situation.

Persons attending this event expressly assume all of the risks incident to the event, whether occurring prior to, during or subsequent to the actual event, and agree that all sanctioning bodies, and all event staff, employees, agents, officers, and directors of the Fond du Lac Aeromodeler Association, its affiliates and subsidiaries, are hereby released from any and all claims for personal injury or property damage.

We thank you for attending. Enjoy the show.

Copyright© 2006-2024 Fond du Lac Aeromodelers Association INC.